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Historisches Seminar

Amos Speranza

Amos Speranza, M.A.

  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Historisches Seminar
Universität Zürich
Culmannstrasse 1
CH-8006 Zürich

Globalization history, social history and migration history, social history of law and cultural transfers history, contributing to the Projekt zur Geschichte sexuellen Missbrauchs im Umfeld der römisch-katholischen Kirche in der Schweiz seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts for the Ticino region

Kurzer Werdegang
Since 2024
University of Zurich: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter contributing to the Projekt zur Geschichte sexuellen Missbrauchs im Umfeld der römisch-katholischen Kirche in der Schweiz seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts working on the Ticino region.
University of Lucerne: PhD in history, Thesis “Il lungo percorso della “modernità francese” in Ticino: statuti e leggi tra riforme e resistenze (fine XVIII-metà XIX secolo)” (social history of law, history of cultural transfers)
University of Neuchâtel, University of Fribourg: Master of Arts in Comparative History; Master thesis in comparative history: “Sa ved che t'è stüdiat in dent: le migrazioni degli studenti ticinesi”, a research on the internal migrations of college students from Ticino (italian-speaking minority) in Switzerland (social history, migration history)
University of Neuchâtel: Bachelor of Arts in History, Anthropology and Geography

2024 (foreseen)
“«Si giudichi di loro senza prevenzione, senz’ira, ed anche senza amore»: Spunti di storia sociale del diritto nella prima metà dell’Ottocento ticinese”, paper summarizing the research work provided to the Milan and Ticino (1796-1848), Shaping the Spatiality of a European Capital project (
“Sorvegliare il territorio, valicare le frontiere: potere pubblico e latitanti ticinesi alla prova delle rivolte rurali della prima metà dell’Ottocento”, in Costruire, trasformare, controllare: legal transfer e gestione dello spazio nel primo Ottocento congress proceedings (Lucerne 3-4 June 2021) published by Casagrande, Bellinzona, p. 201-218; Open access link: