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Historisches Seminar

Resources for research and teaching

Since there is a plethora of different digitals tools, platforms, databases and virtual research environments popping up these days we are trying to give a curated overview on those which seem to us recommendable for historians.

For this overview please see Awesome Digital History, a curated list by Moritz Mähr whom we thank very much for the collaboration.



The GIS Hub has recently been established at UZH as a service center that offers free support in the field of geoinformation systems (GIS) and cartography for research and teaching.

Interdisciplinary project: Daniel Ursprung (Department of History), Institute of Geography, Department Digitale Lehre und Forschung, UFSP Sprache und Raum

In addition to the individual advisory services, workshops are held regularly.

Transcription and Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Transkribus: a platform for digitisation, AI-powered text recognition, transcription and annotation of historical documents

OCR4all: a tool for automatic text recognition for historic printed texts

Ad Fontes: a learning program for the work with historical material

Annotation a software project for collecting comments about statements made in any web-accessible content

Learning programming

The Programming Historian: a peer-reviewed academic journal of Digital Humanities and Digital History methodology

Scientific writing

Kompass Geschichtsstudium: basic principles of historical studies by Historisches Seminar

Awesome scientific writing: a curated list by Moritz Mähr whom we thank very much for the collaboration

SciFlow: managing different templates for scientific manuscripts

HumanitiesConnect: a platform publishing short articles from the Humanities and Social Sciences as to form multi-authored and interdisciplinary discourses


This list is being permanently completed and updated.